Dear everyone!
Probably each of you knows, at least theoretically, that plant food as a base of our nutrition has a lot of health benefits. This is not a secret – “Eat more fruits and veggies”, “Take 5 a day”, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, etc. – we know these claims. However, paradoxically, we’ve turned into a state of distancing ourselves further and further from nature, from plants, from these recommendations and not least – from our own selves. We do not sense our intuitive needs of the body anymore as our mind dominates life in a strong and very much conditioned way and our spiritual body is starving to the outermost.
You are probably already familiar with my holistic approach to life, on our own selves, including body, mind, and spirit. Thus, I’m not focusing on one single aspect when it comes to health and well-being. However, I want to share every single factor which helped me along my journey in order to become a greater version of myself. As I’m a nutritional scientist and plant-based enthusiast as well, it’s an honor for me to share some juicy information on this topic with you. A couple of years ago, I became really fascinated by the idea of raw or “living” foods, as you may call them as well. I’m not an advocate of any strict or extreme forms but always go with the flow of what feels right. However, since I’ve been incorporating so much more of these fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables into my diet, I’m feeling more vibrant and literally lively, which is why I want to write about this topic today. Without further ado, let’s start – with my own story on Whole Foods and “living foods”.
~ My own journey to whole plant foods ~
Nutrition itself has accompanied me throughout my entire journey in the last 10+ years as I reflected on several aspects:
- my own intuitive food choices,
- what I’ve learned during my studies of nutritional science,
- what Eastern approaches teach us,
- how my own eating and overall lifestyle behaviors have shifted on my spiritual journey, etc.
What I’ve reflectingly recognized is the significance of nature as it beautifully offers us what we are supposed to put into our body: whole, energy (prana)-rich, natural plant foods. What we put into our body does not only affect our physical state of health, our mental and emotional well-being. But it also has a massive impact on our state of consciousness, our ability of spiritual evolvement.
I also want to mention that food is not meant to become a religion, any kind of dogma we should be engaged with all day long. However, working yourself into an overall nourishing lifestyle (I don’t want to refer exclusively to a “diet”), takes time, which will eventually be worth it. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you in the long run – so, in the end, you’ll gain not only a lifetime, but also a real quality of life. At some point, your food will become a supportive tool on all levels of yourself. However, our food is by far not the only source of energy we’re consuming all day long. The highest form of energy we’re able to absorb is sunlight; there is further oxygen, water, there is mental information, relationships, your overall feeling of satisfaction and contentment in your job, your spiritual engagement, etc. All these factors may either feed your hunger for life or let you starve. Thus, nutrition as the material base will nourish and support you in order to feel healthy, well and eventually ready for your “higher” goals in life. Although you still enjoy your food, as you become so much more in tune with your body, any kind of cravings or constant thoughts about it will disappear. You’ll also become nourished by the other energy-giving factors I’ve just mentioned above.
But for now, let’s focus on the food we eat and how it affects us from a holistic point of view. Starting with a short introduction on what I mean by “living foods”?
~ What does “living foods” mean? ~
When I talk about life or living foods, I refer to plant foods in their state of wholeness, including the complete pattern of nutrients. Thus, all naturally occurring physical and energetic parts of a plant. This is the point, where I want to move beyond modern science which primarily sees foods as calories, dissecting it to a degree of single nutrients. Food is also energy, as we are. Although you cannot see it, you will eventually feel it. On a molecular level, we are all light – also known as photons. As I mentioned the sunlight already as the purest form of energy, foods that are grown directly by sun include the highest amount of pure life force energy. Plants are using sunlight, water, and minerals plus carbon dioxide (what we exhale) to produce glucose and photons, which are sources of physical and vibrational energy. They carry light within each cell and you’ll guess: the more light we put into our body, the more life force energy we’ll sense. So, our ultimate biological nutrient is light or more precisely said: sunlight. There is no life without sun. We absorb this light directly through the skin as well as indirectly via food.
There are a few other very important factors which represent foods in their “living state”:
- origin: organic foods over conventional foods
- freshness: as regional and seasonal as possible
- unprocessed: foods in their most natural form, which is uttermost pure fruits and vegetables
~ Scientific point of view ~
Science shows us that the nutrients within our foods are what we absorb and thrive on. On one hand, there are the macro-nutrients such as carbs, proteins, and fats. On the other hand, we have the micro-nutrients, which are vitamins and minerals. The nutrient density of whole plants is incredibly high, whereas its energy (“calorie”) density is comparably low. Meaning, we get loads of incredibly healthy substances without consuming an excessive amount of calories.
On the other hand, research from F.A. Popp, a German physicist, and Dr. Niggli shows that these so-called bio-photons (light energy) are a further important factor when it comes to food quality. Bio-photons are the smallest physical units of light, they are able to order and regulate and further elevate the organism to a higher order which will be manifested as well-being, sensing vitality and life force. The bio-electric energy of our cells depends on how many bio-photons our bodies are able to absorb from plants. The more light a food stores, the more nutritious it is and the more life energy it gives us. Dr. Popp showed in his studies that the healthiest people had the highest amount of bio-photon emission and the sickest people the lowest amount. Thus, the weaker, the sicker and the closer we come to death, the fewer bio-photons we emit. When we have a look at the foods which provide the most amounts of bio-photons, we come back to organic, whole, “living” foods. During the process of storing, transportation, chemical or heat treatment, the amount of bio-photons becomes reduced.
Popp says that cells act as resonators for sunlight; electromagnetic wave patterns in the cells act as a guidance force for the physiological reactions in the cell. All living systems do emit bio-photons and the amount changes constantly because the field patterns are being influenced all the time. As we go further, it can be said that consciousness is a high order of coherence of field patterns in the body. If this is the case in our body, we remain healthy; if it is unbalanced, disease occurs.
I believe and observe that what we put into our bodies is literally the energy that comes out of us; the energy that we express.
But how does food truly impact our body, our mind, emotions and our consciousness in terms of spiritual development? I will answer all of these questions in my up-coming articles on this series of plant-based nutrition. Stay tuned. 🙂
Sending you a big hug, my friends!
Lots of love & Namasté,
yours Isabel!
Cousens G. Spiritual Nutrition. Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini. North Atlantic Books (2005).
Dahlke R. Das Geheimnis der Lebensenergie in unserer Nahrung. Arkana (2015), 1. Auflage, München.
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Oh, the mighty sun! Thank you, Isabel, for bringing this topic closer to our awareness and enabling us to appreciate the divine gifts of nature – all fueled by the energy of the sun.
I am looking forward to reading the next article in your series – I know others are, too 🙂
Big hugs from Vienna,
Thank you so much for your feedback, dear!
The plant-based lifestyle is a heart-moving topic of mine and it’s so fascinating, incredibly interesting that I need to share these information with the world! 🙂 Stay tuned-there’s more to come!
Lots of love & big hug back to you,