Book-spirations #4 | Conversations with God

Imagine you hit rock bottom. Every area of your life seems to break down. You literally weep on the floor, feel anger, frustration, desperation, and hopelessness at the same time. It feels like the entire world is against you. What would you do? – Yes. You may surrender. You must admit that your mind isn’t able to figure out all answers of what’s going on. So you may ask questions, ask for support, for guidance. You ask a higher power. The universe. God.

Imagine you suddenly receive answers. From this higher power. From the universe. From God himself (herself).

This story is not made up. It literally happened to the author of the book “Conversations with God”, Neale Donald Walsch. After hitting a very low point in his life, he once decided to write a letter to God where he vent his frustrations and asked questions that he himself couldn’t answer. But what he didn’t expect was a response. He received answers, detailed responses to everything he asked, so he continued writing. He wrote and wrote. Eventually, an incredible book series was created and the man – who once hit rock bottom – has become a bestselling author and public figure in the field of spirituality.

“Conversations with God” (an uncommon dialogue) includes four books: the first three were published in the 1990’s, whereas the last one came out just two years ago, in 2017 (“Awaken the species”). This review only covers the first book which I myself read. However, as it resonated with me deeply, I will definitely continue reading the other books of this series.







~ Who is God? ~

The title will probably spark a feeling of ambivalence in many people as the word “God” is often linked to a certain form of belief system, to rigidness, rules (commandments), or just to something very intangible. However, many people will admit that they don’t have the answer to everything; that they don’t know everything and cannot understand everything that happens in their lives (at least not initially). Thus, we are all experiencing a physical reality without having a rational understanding about why and what is going on … have we?

“To have a friendship with God,
all I really have to do is have a friendship with my Self.”
(Neale D. Walsch)

The author describes God as everything, as all of it, as the Alpha and the Omega. Male, Female. There is nothing that is not God. He or she is complete. Unconditioned. In fact, he says that there is nothing else but God. In other words, everything is part of God. Ultimately, this indicates that we are an aspect of God itself without this rational perception of separation. In the book, God as an active participant in the ongoing dialogue says that (s)he has no form or shape a human mind would understand as (s)he exists everywhere we look.

He also defines God metaphorically in a beautiful way, so that the reader can grasp it in a rather tangible way: You can perceive God as the Stem Cell of the universe out of which everything and everyone else is made out of. Science proves that we are biologically made up of stem cells which are undifferentiated cells of a multicellular organism. These stem cells can give rise to numerous cells which can then further arise other kinds of cells by differentiation. The result is an entire intelligent organism with numerous organs which have different functions once arose from one single (stem) cell. When this one undifferentiated cell differentiates, it then can take form of brain cells, heart cells, gastric cells, skin cells, in fact, any type of cell of the human body. At that point, I can transfer to the idea of a holographic universe tracing back to quantum physics. Everything that is perceived in the macrocosm (universe) relates to the microcosm (organism).

“As is the human body, so is the cosmic body.
As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.
As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.
As is the atom, so is the universe.”
(The Upanishads)

To sum it up: The quantum holographic model teaches us that the universe and everything in physical reality – the non-visible and all visible particles – are essentially one. Everything stems from one energy source out of which everything else that exists has been evolved … can you grasp this idea?






~ What is life about? ~

In the dialogue between Neale and God, the author wrote down 13 questions which God is supposed to answer him. They all relate to different areas of an ordinary human life, such as relationships, money, health, as well as about life itself. Although the conversation between Neale and God is a deep dive into the spiritual realm, it is also written in a humorous and very entertaining way. Did you suspect God has a sense of humor?

His first question is obviously about God himself. How can he know that it is really God talking to him. Actually, God always sends us messages in many different ways, the question is rather: who is listening? They segue pretty quickly into the meaning of life. What is our temporary experience in this vessel, called body, all about?

“Life (as you call it) is an opportunity for you to know experientially
what you already know conceptually.
You need learn nothing to do this.
You need merely remember what you already know,
and act on it. ”

The book says that life is a process of creation rather than a discovery. Every single one of us is gifted with a free will, thus we can decide by ourselves in every single moment who we want to be and what we want to experience. If we’re not happy with what we created, we can simply make a new choice and create again. The question, why we face suffering in the world, including war, natural catastrophes, injustice, famine, etc. “simply” goes back to the fact that human beings have a free (or rather conditioned) will.

God furthers explains that “life is not about you. It is about all the everyone else whose life you touch and the way in which you touch it”. Focusing on his own career, goals, needs, desires etc. hadn’t led Neale to lasting happiness. On the contrary, in this self-centered position, his life was not working. He couldn’t find happiness or any satisfying feeling that lasted. God said that all your personal desires, needs, and goals can (or even should) be followed, there is nothing wrong about it. However, it’s about your intention for doing those things: If you want to enrich the life of everyone you touch, then “watch the world fall in on you with wonder, joy, and celebration”.

In essence, life is not about the self-centered egoic “you”, but it is about the bigger You. The Universal You. Seeing yourself in everyone or everything else and acting in a way that serves the higher good. You’re not supposed to forget about yourself and put everyone else before you; but treat them as a part of you and take a look on the broader perspective of life. The way you touch everyone else’s life is eventually the way your own life will be touched as everything comes back to you the exact same way. If you lack something in your own life, put it into the life of someone else and it will come back to you in abundance. That’s exactly how the universe works.

One addition: We mostly tend to act out of fear which is ego-based instead of choosing love. The question ”What would love do now?” can help you shift the perspective to get out of the head and come into your heart. Thoughts, words, and deeds are only based on one of them: either love or fear. Fear derives from the brain. Love derives from the heart.







~ The Holy Trinity: Body, Mind, Spirit ~

Another description in the book resonated with me deeply. It is about us human beings referred to the holy trinity: body, mind, and spirit (soul). Each part has its unique and very important necessity:

The soul conceives.

The mind creates.

The body experiences.

You can imagine them as a circle through which the soul gets to experience itself. The soul is the antenna to the universe which speaks to you primarily in form of feelings. It sends you its desires. The mind is meant to be a servant, figuring out how to bring the soul’s ideas into reality. It is supposed to bridge the gap between your soul’s desire and the manifested outcome in our 3D reality. The body then experiences the manifestation via its sensory systems. If you experience something physically, your soul will instantly have a feeling about it and transfers a new thought to your mind. This circle goes on and on. Essentially, your soul is solely interested in the experience itself, not in what you are actually doing. The state of vibration – your feeling – counts, not the achievements or goals or titles, etc.

“Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living –
and when your life is over, neither will you.
Your soul cares only about what you are being while you are doing whatever you are doing.”

The book further describes a beautiful analogy of the holy trinity which stems from christianity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:

Holy Spirit = Inspiration = Conceive

Father = Parenting = Create

Son = Offspring = Experience







~ Conclusion: Messages from God ~

Neale D. Walsch says that we are not supposed to believe straight away everything the book says. We shouldn’t take these ideas as the ultimate truth, just because it is “said by God”. These messages are rather a proposal which the reader can examine, explore, and see if it is true for himself. So, it is a thought-provoking impulse upon which you can assess your own experiences and let it become your truth (or not); for all truths are subjective anyways, there is no such thing as an objective truth.

There is no truth except the truth that exists within you.
Everything else is what someone is telling you.” 

I personally did resonate with so many statements mentioned in this brilliant piece of literature. For me personally, it contains a lot of wisdom. If you either agree with everything, some statements, or even nothing at all – it is 100 % worth reading. I wholeheartedly recommend you exploring “Conversations with God” by yourself. I will definitely delve into the other books of this series as I appreciate Neale D. Walsch as a person as well as his work.

Let me know what you think about the idea of God, if you have read this book or became interested in reading it. As for now, I’m sending you much love and light!


yours Isabel!


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2 thoughts on “Book-spirations #4 | Conversations with God”

  1. Liebe Isabel,
    Danke für die großartige, hilfreiche Zusammenfassung!
    Ich werde mir das Buch jetzt bestellen.
    Eine Frage habe ich noch: wird auch das Ende des Lebens thematisiert?
    Ich schicke dir eine herzliche Umarmung!

    1. Liebe Ronja,
      es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass dir die Worte aus diesem Artikel zusagen und du tiefer in die Geschichte und die Gedanken von N. D. Walsch eintauchen möchtest. 🙂

      Das Ende des Lebens wird, soweit ich mich erinnere, nur marginal in diesem Buch thematisiert. In diesem Interview bzw. diesem Buch von selbigem Autor findest du mehr Informationen zu diesem Thema.

      Ganz viel Freude und innere Bereicherung beim Lesen dieses Werks. Wenn du dich danach fühlst, lass’ mir sehr gern wissen, wie du die Inhalte aufgenommen hast.

      Fühl’ dich auch von mir ganz fest und herzlich umarmt!
      Liebste Grüße,
      deine Isabel!

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