Hello and Welcome, lovely soul.

You’re interested in Holistic Nutrition or

curious what I mean by that?

The term holistic (holism) refers to “wholesome”. Thus, it is a natural, integrative approach towards health and well-being while taking into account an individual as a whole. I regard a person’s life as an interplay between the physical, chemical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental aspects.

Holistic Health does not only focus on one influencing factor, like only nutrition or only physical activity, but it includes more aspects of life.

Don’t think only with your brain, but with your whole body.
(Eckhart Tolle)

In holistic health the body is not seen as separate from the mind and soul. Therefore, it includes many influencing factors that benefit or harm our health. It does not focus on this one symptom of the „body that’s seperated from yourself“ and gives you exactly therefore an antidot or medicine. In our day-to-day life, we are confronted with an abundance of things that either strenghen or weaken us. On a physical, mental as well as emotional level. Thus, I am an advocate for regarding all of these aspects when it comes to health and wellbeing.

As I am a nutritional scientist and working in the nutritional field, I want to inspire you with an individualized approach, not only in terms of eating, but of “living”. Being nourished does not only mean to eat a proper amount and variety foods, but you can also be nourished or deprived by your profession, relationships, exercise, and spirituality.

Enjoy reading, connecting, exchanging and get enriched!

Lots of love and Namasté,

yours Isabel!