Recipe: Raw Curry over Zucchini Pasta – Spring Edition of Traditional Curry

Hello, my beautiful friends!

Have you ever thought of eating your curry fully raw? Without any cooked ingredients? Well, what if I tell you that this raw version of traditional Indian curry tastes alike – or even better! It is very simple and quick to prepare, super nutritious, and will convince you with a mind-blowing flavor.

“Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.”
(Bishop Reginald Heber)

Spring is on the rise. You may feel like you’re craving light foods with the higher temperatures outside? During this time, you can support your body in its natural cleansing process or the so-called “springtime clean”. Your body wants to revitalize from the inside out. And there’s no better option than using the power of fresh, high pranic raw foods.

Kitchen tools: All you need for this recipe are a spiralizer or vegetable peeler to make the zucchini noodles and a high-speed blender for the sauce. If you don’t have a high-power blender, you can use the same amount of natural cashew butter and combine all ingredients with a food processor of any other type of blender.

Are you drooling already? I certainly am!
Let’s get into the kitchen!

Ingredients (2 servings)


  • ½ cup cashews
  • ¼ cup sesame seeds
  • 350 – 400 ml coconut water
  • 1 avocado (medium)
  • 1 orange (large)
  • 1 tsp turmeric (powder)
  • 0,5 tsp curry (powder)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 0,5 inch ginger (fresh)
  • pinch of salt and pepper


  • 3-4 zucchinis (medium size)


  • handful cherry tomatoes
  • fresh coriander
  • seeds of your choice


  1. Soak the cashew for 1-2 hours in water. Afterwards, drain the water and rinse the cashews.
  2. Chop off the ends of the zucchinis. Wash and spiralize them to noodles.
  3. Combine all ingredients for the sauce in a high-speed blender and blend until it becomes a smooth sauce.
  4. Pour sauce over zucchini noodles and combine well.
  5. Wash and cut fresh cherry tomatoes in half. Wash and cut the coriander leaves. Top the dish with tomatoes, coriander and seeds of your choice (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax seeds etc.)

Enjoy this hig pranic, yet comfy raw meal!



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Vibrant living foods

Nourish yourself with vibrant foods.

“Let’s be good to the body
so that the soul enjoys living in it.”
(Theresa von Ávila)

Mother Earth

Live in sync with the wisdom of nature.

“We should consider nature our home,
not a place to visit
(Roxana Jones)

Pranic energy

Discover the life force inside of you.

“You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean, in a drop.”